Spitz Alemão Anão ou Pequeno, conhecido popularmente como lulu da pomerânia ou simplesmente Pomerânia, é uma raça de cães muito antiga. Porém seu reconhecimento oficial é relativamente recente, mais pelo século XIX.
País de Origem: Alemanha.
Padrão FCI: Grupo-5 (Spitz e Cães do Tipo Primitivo)
O que chama mais atenção na raça é certamente sua exuberante pelagem, que atinge todo seu esplendor por volta dos 2 anos de idade, extremamente abundante e armada. A raça possui ainda olhos aguçados, inteligentes e amendoados; e as orelhas pequenas, pontiagudas e de inserção alta conferem ao animal um ar impertinente, lembrando a aparência de uma raposa. Hoje com o aprimoramento da raça, a nova tendência pede pelo spitz com a aparência de um ursinho, de orelhas arrendondadas e patas mais grossas.
Descendentes dos cães de puxar trenó originários da Islândia e da Lapônia, seus ancestrais foram introduzidos na Inglaterra pela Rainha Vitória, no começo do século XIX,.
No caso específico dos Spitz, conhecidos até a década de 90, como Lulu ou Pomerânia (nome mantido ainda pelos criadores americanos e canadenses), especula-se que a raça tenha sido desenvolvida numa região de fronteira entre a atual Alemanha e a Polônia, conhecida por Pomerania.
Muito difundido na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América, este cão foi o companheiro de Mozart, em Viena, enquanto compunha.
Os primeiros spitz eram empregados como hábeis condutores de gado por seu porte grande e pesado, porém, na Inglaterra, foram criados menores e mais leves, com pelagem copiosa. Atualmente os Lulus da Pomerânia ou Pomeranian nos EUA (AKC) são chamados oficialmente pelo sistema FCI (da qual o Brasil faz parte) de Spitz Alemão Anão.
Outras informações
O Spitz Alemão Anão/Pequeno precisa de poucos cuidados para que a pelagem seja mantida em boas condições, mesmo os banhos não precisam ser frequentes, bastando um a cada 40 dias para mante-los limpos e bonitos. Os spitz são cães de pouco cheiro por terem as glândulas Glândula Anal, Glândula Ad'anal, Glândula Adanal menos desenvolvidas. Assim são cães que praticamente não exalam cheiro, como a maioria das outras raças, dai a desnecessidade de banhos semanais.
Os filhotes passam por uma dramática troca de pelos ao redor dos 4 meses, a qual só termina por volta de 1 ano e meio de idade, quando adquirem a esplendorosa pelagem de adulto (chegando ao ápice em torno dos 2 anos de idade).
O Spitz Alemão não apresenta nenhuma especialidade de caça ou em qualquer tipo de trabalho, mas é excelente para companhia. Esse cão é um dos mais amáveis e afetivos já criados em séculos, além de grande companheiro de toda a família.
Esse cão também é bastante inteligente e fácil de ser treinado. Sua desconfiança com estranhos e a ausência do interesse para caça o tornam ideal como cão vigia para o lar.
Seus mais importantes atributos são a resistência a mudanças climáticas, a robustez e a longevidade.
Há cinco categorias da raça, que diferem em tamanho e cor de pelagem. São eles:
- •Spitz Grande: de 42 a 50 cm;
- •Spitz Médio: de 30 a 38 cm;
- •Spitz Pequeno: de até 29 cm
- •Spitz Alemão Anão (Lulu da Pomerânia): de até 22 cm
•Spitz Lobo (Wolfspitz ou Spitz Alemão Lupo): de 50 cm, podendo ter uma variação para mais ou para menos de 5 cm, admite-se até 60 cm;
O Wolfspitz ou Spitz Alemão Lupo e o Spitz Alemão Anão ou Lulu da Pomerânia são os que se tornaram mais comuns e populares.
O peso varia de 1,5 kg a 5 kg, dependendo da variedade e sexo.
Segue abaixo o spitz alemão anão (lulu da pomerânia)
tags: #sobre a raça spitz alemão, #spitz alemão anão, #curiosidades, #cachorros, #cães, #história da raça spitz alemão, #lulu da pomerânia
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre; Anuário Cães 2009 (Padrão CBKC).
In English:
Dwarf or Small German Spitz, popularly known as the lulu pomeranian Pomeranian or simply, is a very ancient breed of dog. But official recognition is relatively recent, more the nineteenth century.
Country of Origin: Germany. Standard FCI: Group-5 (Spitz and Primitive Dogs Type)
The most striking of race is certainly a gorgeous coat that reaches all its splendor around 2 years old, armed and extremely abundant. The breed also has sharp eyes, intelligent and almond, and small ears, sharp and high insertion give the animal a naughty air, resembling the appearance of a fox. Today with the improvement of the race, the new trend asks for spitz with the appearance of a teddy bear, a rounded ears and legs thicker.
Story Descendants Huskies sled originating from Iceland and Lapland, their ancestors were introduced in England by Queen Victoria in the early nineteenth century. In the specific case of Spitz known until the 90s, as Lulu or Pomerania (name still retained by the creators Americans and Canadians), it is speculated that the breed has been developed in a region of the current border between Germany and Poland, known for Pomerania. Widespread in Europe and the United States, this dog was the companion of Mozart in Vienna, while composing. The first spitz were employed as skilled cattle drivers for their large size and heavy, but in England were created smaller and lighter, with abundant coat. Currently the Lulus Pomeranian Pomeranian or U.S. (AKC) are officially called by the FCI system (of which Brazil is a part) of Spitz German Dwarf.
Further information The German Spitz Dwarf / Small needs little care for the coat is kept in good condition, even the bathrooms need not be frequent, just one every 40 days to keep them clean and beautiful. The spitz dogs are little because they smell glands Anal Gland, Gland Ad'anal, Gland Adanal less developed. So are dogs that hardly exude smell, like most other races, hence the unnecessary baths weekly. Puppies go through a dramatic exchange by around 4 months, which ends only about 1 ½ years old, when they purchase a splendid coat of adult (reaching the summit around 2 years old). The German Spitz presents no specialty hunting or any type of work, but is excellent for company. This dog is one of the most loving and affectionate already created in centuries, and great companion for the entire family. This dog is also very intelligent and easy to train. His distrust to strangers and lack of interest make it ideal for hunting and guard dog for the home. His most important attributes are resistance to climate change, robustness and longevity.
Sizes There are five categories of race, which differ in size and coat color. They are:
• Wolf Spitz (Spitz German Wolfspitz or Lupo): 50 cm, can have a variation to plus or minus 5 cm, admits up to 60 cm;
• Large Spitz: from 42 to 50 cm;
• Spitz Medium: 30 to 38 cm;
• Spitz Small: up to 29 cm
• Dwarf German Spitz (Pomeranian): up to 22 cm
The Wolfspitz Spitz or German Spitz German Lupo and Dwarf or Pomeranian are those who have become more common and popular. The weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 5 kg, depending on the variety and sex.
tags: # about the breed German spitz, german spitz # dwarf # trivia, # dogs # dogs # German spitz breed's history, the # lulu pomeranian
Country of Origin: Germany. Standard FCI: Group-5 (Spitz and Primitive Dogs Type)
The most striking of race is certainly a gorgeous coat that reaches all its splendor around 2 years old, armed and extremely abundant. The breed also has sharp eyes, intelligent and almond, and small ears, sharp and high insertion give the animal a naughty air, resembling the appearance of a fox. Today with the improvement of the race, the new trend asks for spitz with the appearance of a teddy bear, a rounded ears and legs thicker.
Story Descendants Huskies sled originating from Iceland and Lapland, their ancestors were introduced in England by Queen Victoria in the early nineteenth century. In the specific case of Spitz known until the 90s, as Lulu or Pomerania (name still retained by the creators Americans and Canadians), it is speculated that the breed has been developed in a region of the current border between Germany and Poland, known for Pomerania. Widespread in Europe and the United States, this dog was the companion of Mozart in Vienna, while composing. The first spitz were employed as skilled cattle drivers for their large size and heavy, but in England were created smaller and lighter, with abundant coat. Currently the Lulus Pomeranian Pomeranian or U.S. (AKC) are officially called by the FCI system (of which Brazil is a part) of Spitz German Dwarf.
Further information The German Spitz Dwarf / Small needs little care for the coat is kept in good condition, even the bathrooms need not be frequent, just one every 40 days to keep them clean and beautiful. The spitz dogs are little because they smell glands Anal Gland, Gland Ad'anal, Gland Adanal less developed. So are dogs that hardly exude smell, like most other races, hence the unnecessary baths weekly. Puppies go through a dramatic exchange by around 4 months, which ends only about 1 ½ years old, when they purchase a splendid coat of adult (reaching the summit around 2 years old). The German Spitz presents no specialty hunting or any type of work, but is excellent for company. This dog is one of the most loving and affectionate already created in centuries, and great companion for the entire family. This dog is also very intelligent and easy to train. His distrust to strangers and lack of interest make it ideal for hunting and guard dog for the home. His most important attributes are resistance to climate change, robustness and longevity.
Sizes There are five categories of race, which differ in size and coat color. They are:
• Wolf Spitz (Spitz German Wolfspitz or Lupo): 50 cm, can have a variation to plus or minus 5 cm, admits up to 60 cm;
• Large Spitz: from 42 to 50 cm;
• Spitz Medium: 30 to 38 cm;
• Spitz Small: up to 29 cm
• Dwarf German Spitz (Pomeranian): up to 22 cm
The Wolfspitz Spitz or German Spitz German Lupo and Dwarf or Pomeranian are those who have become more common and popular. The weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 5 kg, depending on the variety and sex.
tags: # about the breed German spitz, german spitz # dwarf # trivia, # dogs # dogs # German spitz breed's history, the # lulu pomeranian
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Dogs Yearbook 2009 (Standard CBKC).
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